The PrEP initiative has 3 core components focused on providers, users, and measuring impact.
Improved user knowledge and access
- Broad-based education campaign to reach into heavily impacted communities
- User hotline for information, resources
- Website as “one-stop shop” of local and national resources and information
- Affordability program including navigators to assist potential users with insurance and provider choice, access to co-pay/deductible/payment assistance
- Speakers bureau of PrEP users
- Programs to support PrEP adherence
Increased provider capacity
- Support for public-access PrEP clinics
- Training, resources for providers in diverse fields (primary care, Ob/Gyn, pediatrics, psychiatry)
- Warm line for providers
- Online tools
- Cultural humility training for providers
Tracking PrEP uptake and impact
- Measure PrEP use citywide (including demographics and behavior of PrEP users, duration of use, type of PrEP)
- Track potential negative consequences (e.g., breakthrough infections, resistance, social harms, STIs, difficulty accessing PrEP)
- Track potential benefit (e.g., impact on HIV incidence, access to comprehensive health services for PrEP users)
- Track sexual and injection behaviors over time
- Track PrEP- and HIV-associated stigma
- Measure cost to providers, payers, users
PrEP Committee Resources

Resources for people interested in PrEP and doxy-PEP
- *New* Injectable PrEP Basics/Lo Esencial de la PrEP inyectable — by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- *New* Ask your clinic about long-acting injectable medication that can prevent & treat HIV [QR code] – by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- *Nuevo*Pregunta en tu clínica por el medicatmento de acción prolongada inyectable que previene y trata el VIH [QR code] – por El Departamento de Salud Publica de San Francisco
- *New* SF Options for Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) HIV Medications: A guide to San Francisco’s clinics & providers that offer CAB-LA for prevention and CAB/RPV for treatment, clients they serve, and healthcare coverage they accept [May 2024]
- *New* About Doxy-PEP — San Francisco City Clinic
- *New* Acerca de Doxy-PEP — San Francisco City Clinic
- PrEP Basics Fact Sheet/Lo Esencial de PrEP – by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- San Francisco City Clinic – PrEP Information
- Prevent HIV with PrEP – San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Visit Injectable HIV Medications and PrEP – for resources compiled by East Bay Getting to Zero
Resources for PrEP providers
- Apretude Insurance Flowsheet, November 2023
- *Updated* Ask about PrEP: How providers can prescribe PrEP to prevent HIV and reduce health disparities – San Francisco Department of Public Health, June 2024
- Injectable HIV PrEP Pocket Card – by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- Prescribing oral PrEP Pocket Card – by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- [Protocol] SF WPIC/Street Medicine Open Access Clinic: Long-Acting Injectable PrEP (IM Cabotegravir)
- San Francisco City Clinic PrEP Section
- SFCC PrEP Navigation Services Protocol (v. 12/7/18) – San Francisco City Clinic
- PrEP Navigation Manual: Helping People Access Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis – PleasePrEPMe.org and Project Inform
- Ayudando A Las Personas a Tener Acceso A La Profilaxis Anterior a la Exposición (en Español) – PleasePrEPMe.org and Project Inform
- San Francisco Health Network Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Management Guidelines, June 2016
PrEP News & Updates
Latest from PrEP Committee
PrEP for Youth Live Hangout 4/7/16
Hangouts with HIVE presents Making PrEP Work for Youth: Strategies from Birmingham, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Join us April 7 from 9 am–10 am PST/12 noon–1 pm ET for a Google+ Hangout on Air to talk about making PrEP accessible for youth. 1 in 4 new HIV diagnoses in the US is…
When PrEP Educators Don’t Like PrEP
Please read this excellent article by AIDS Project of the East Bay Executive Director Rob Newells, “When PrEP Educators Don’t Like PrEP: Minister Rob Newells’ Message to Naysayers,” written in response to observations at the 2015 National HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta and posted at AVAC.
Please PrEP Me launch
PleasePrEPMe.org, the searchable, location-based California PrEP provider directory, has been launched! Included are 188 PrEP providers in half of the counties across the state of California. This statewide directory was born out of the original Bay Area PrEP Provider list, a collaboration between HIVE and City Clinic. Please take a look at the website at www.pleaseprepme.org,…
Lots of news from the PreP Committee!
Slides from the last PrEP Committee meeting, held on October 28, appear below. The agenda included a presentation by Jonathan Volk on Kaiser PrEP data and a presentation by the NURX.co team about their PrEP delivery model. Also, a manuscript has just been published in JAMA Internal Medicine describing results from the SF Department of Public Health’s PrEP…