RAPID, Restart & Retention Committee

The overall goal of the RAPID (Rapid ART Program Initiative for HIV Diagnoses) program is to create a set of “hubs” around the city where persons newly diagnosed with HIV (or out of care) can rapidly access antiretroviral therapy (ART) and have a smooth transition to their medical home. In order to accomplish this goal, a RAPID steering committee established hub locations, standard operating procedure (SOP) for ART start, and SOP for transition to a primary medical home. The committee works with SF Department of Public Health surveillance (now “ARCHES”) to track the uptake and outcomes of persons participating in the program. We build on the existing LINCS programs at SFDPH to create and support hubs for rapid initiation of ART to individuals.

We start ART:

Within 48 hours –

  • If acute/early infection (recent negative Ab test, RNA+/Ab– or recent symptoms of acute retroviral syndrome) or
  • Evidence of advanced infection (opportunistic infection or a CD4 count of less than 200)

Within 5 days –

  • All other newly HIV-diagnosed persons

The program aims to provide ART for up to 5 days for these individuals until they are transitioned into their medical home.

RAPID Resources

[New Publication] Development of a Citywide Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy Initiative in San Francisco

Oliver M.L. Bacon, Susa C. Coffey, Ling C. Hsu, Jennie C.S. Chin, Diane V. Havlir, Susan P. Buchbinder, Development of a Citywide Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy Initiative in San Francisco, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 61, Issue 5, Supplement 1, 2021, Pages S47-S54,ISSN 0749-3797, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2021.06.001.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749379721003615) Introduction Ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S. holds rapid antiretroviral…

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[Publication] Decreased Time from HIV Diagnosis to Care, ART Initiation, and Virologic Suppression during the Citywide RAPID Initiative in San Francisco

Bacon O, Chin J, Cohen SE, Sachdev D, Coffey S, Scheer S, Hessol NA, Buchbinder S, Havlir DV, Hsu L. Decreased Time from HIV Diagnosis to Care, ART Initiation, and Virologic Suppression during the Citywide RAPID Initiative in San Francisco. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 May 25:ciaa620. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa620. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32449916. Abstract…

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RAPID News & Updates

2023 Spring Consortium Meeting Highlights & Recommendations

At the May 25th Consortium meeting, we focused on HIV prevention and treatment and quality of life for transgender and gender-diverse San Franciscans. Thanks to Dr. Erin Wilson for the update on HIV among transwomen in San Francisco. We had a phenomenal panel that included community member Gatsby, Pau Crego (SF Office of Trans Initiatives),…

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Highlights from CROI 2023: A Report Back to the SF Community

Our local experts – Dr. Stephanie Cohen, Dr. Hyman Scott, Dr. Diane Havlir and Dr. Susan Buchbinder – presented updates on doxy-PEP, long-acting ART for prevention and treatment, Mpox, COVID and HIV vaccines. Here is a link to the recording – https://ucsf.box.com/s/8oz2otjgjsjkteyzp6cudd1mr6ffz4l2 – if you’d like to view/review the presentations. The audio only file is…

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