What is U=U?
Medicines to treat HIV can eliminate the risk of sexual transmission. People with HIV who take their medication every day and maintain an undetectable viral load (<200copies/ml) are effectively at zero risk of transmitting HIV to their partner. This is known as undetectable = untransmittable or U=U (#UequalsUSF).
If you are taking HIV medication you should see your provider at least every 3-6 months to check your viral load.
If you or your partner stops HIV medications for several days you may be at risk. Consider PrEP and/or condoms to prevent HIV and contact your provider.

Summary of Latest Research
Science supports and validates the message of U=U. Data from studies provide the evidence.
- There were zero HIV sexual transmissions among couples if the HIV-positive partner was undetectable after >150,000 sex acts
- No HIV transmissions occurred in studies even when people got STIs
However, we don’t have enough data to know if being undetectable prevents HIV transmission among people who inject drugs.
San Francisco Resources
- U=U Basics Undetectable=Untransmittable/I=I Lo Básico Indetectable=Intransmisible – by San Francisco Department of Public Health
- RAPID Care Options in San Francisco
- HIV Care Options in San Francisco
- HIV Navigation Options in San Francisco
- SF HIV Frontline Organizing Group (SF HIV FOG
- San Francisco Corazón – SF HEARTS in Spanish https://youtu.be/CE5KEbIV2DQ
- SF心 (SF xīn) – SF HEARTS in Mandarin Chinese https://youtu.be/uPJmaLx2WsQ
- UN-WORDS with American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter Christine Kanta https://youtu.be/xk0j9dT5TUY
General Resources
Studies & Conference Abstracts
Rodger, Alison J., et al. “Sexual activity without condoms and risk of HIV transmission in serodifferent couples when the HIV-positive partner is using suppressive antiretroviral therapy.” Jama 316.2 (2016): 171-181.
Bavinton, Benjamin R., et al. “Viral suppression and HIV transmission in serodiscordant male couples: an international, prospective, observational, cohort study.” The Lancet HIV 5.8 (2018): e438-e447.
Rodger A et al. Risk of HIV transmission through condomless sex in gay couples with suppressive ART: the PARTNER2 study expanded results in gay men. 22nd International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, abstract WEAX0104LB, 2018.
External Links
- Prevention Access Campaign | U=U
- U=U 2018: Celebrate, Activate and Implement (AIDS 2018 Pre-Conference, full day session)